Emrys WynHUGHESDymuna Karen, Claire a theulu'r diweddar Emrys Wyn Hughes a bu farw yn Ysbyty Gwynedd ar 27ain Ionawr 2025 ddiolch i bawb am bob arwydd o gydymdeimlad yn ystod eu profedigaeth. Dymuna'r teulu ddiolch i bawb am eu rhoddion caredig a hael tuag at Hosbis Dewi Sant. Diolch hefyd i Dewi Glyn Jones am ei drefniadau a'i gymorth.
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HUGHES Emrys Wyn
Karen, Claire and the family of the late Emrys Wyn Hughes who passed away at Ysbyty Gwynedd on 27th January 2025 would like to thank everyone for their kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. Thank you for the kind and generous donations towards the St. David's Hospice and also to Dewi Glyn Jones for his arrangements and support.
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